Happy Poems & Other Lies is a poetry collection that details the experience of an exiled speaker who struggles to conform to the rigid religious beliefs imposed by their family. The speaker’s various identities revolve around being a son, a wanderer, and a self-proclaimed prophet. The manuscript combines elements of biblical language, surrealism, and absurdism to explore the speaker’s longing for acceptance and their internal conflicts as they navigate their own spirituality. The manuscript is divided into three sections, each portraying the evolution of the speaker’s identity. The initial section delves into the speaker’s origins, highlighting their struggle to reconcile personal beliefs with familial expectations and traditions. The second section captures the speaker’s return home after an extended absence, where they confront their past and navigate complex family dynamics. In the final section, the speaker embarks on a transformative journey away from home, distancing themselves from their past and religious constraints. This separation leads to a profound revelation as they embrace their true self, finding solace in their own spirituality, embracing a liberating transformation.

Jeddie Sophronius is a Chinese-Indonesian writer born in Jakarta, Indonesia. He is the author of Interrogation Records (Gaudy Boy, 2024), Love & Sambal (The Word Works, 2024), and the chapbook Blood·Letting (Quarterly West, 2023). He holds a BA from Western Michigan University and an MFA from the University of Virginia. The recipient of the 2022 Gaudy Boy Poetry Book Prize, their poetry has appeared in The Cincinnati Review, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. They divide their time between the United States and Indonesia. Read more of their work at nakedcentaur.com

Page count: 72
Trim size: 4.5 x 7.5 in.
ISBN: 978-1-949933-26-0